Montag, 9. Januar 2017

Heroics & Ros 6mm Catalogue - Pt.3

Next, various strips from the Ancients range, some of those are already in use with To The Strongest.

 MAG07 Rhodian slingers -- Only one pose, I'd wish for a bit more variety with skirmishers
MAG09 Peltasts -- Couldn't find any Greek javelin throwers without shields in this line, so they have to do for psiloi as well, at least for now until I press some foreigners into service...

MAG03 Greek Cavalry -- Phrygian helmets, only one not very dynamic pose
MAG11 Thracian Light Cavalry -- a bit better

 MAG06 Cretan Archers -- One pose
I didn't photograph my hoplites, you can see some examples in these beautiful ensembles on
and probably in a later post from me as well in a first trial game of To The Strongest.

 MAF01 Gaulish Infantry  and MAF02 Gaulish Cavalry
Now those are great figures! A variety of poses, archers as well as spears and command, -- so with a few of those packs you will be set for an entire army --, and very nice little sculpts. Love them!

 MA13 Hun Cavalry -- I thought at first those were bent lances, so in this case I unbent some of them, till it struck me: no, those are lassos! So what you see here is not what comes in the packs, which will look more like the strip in the 2nd row to the right. I don't find them terribly useful -- had really rather hoped for some mounted archers (at least they all carry bows at their side), will have to look in some other lines for those.

MA11 Dacian Infantry -- like the Gauls a nice mix of figures.
MA23 Sarmatian Heavy Cavalry -- not that I'm gonna do anything with them, I was just curious..

That's it for now with the unpainted Heroics & Ros, we'll see what i'll de-procrastinate next...

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