Montag, 9. Januar 2017

Heroics & Ros 6mm Catalogue - Pt.3

Next, various strips from the Ancients range, some of those are already in use with To The Strongest.

 MAG07 Rhodian slingers -- Only one pose, I'd wish for a bit more variety with skirmishers
MAG09 Peltasts -- Couldn't find any Greek javelin throwers without shields in this line, so they have to do for psiloi as well, at least for now until I press some foreigners into service...

MAG03 Greek Cavalry -- Phrygian helmets, only one not very dynamic pose
MAG11 Thracian Light Cavalry -- a bit better

 MAG06 Cretan Archers -- One pose
I didn't photograph my hoplites, you can see some examples in these beautiful ensembles on
and probably in a later post from me as well in a first trial game of To The Strongest.

 MAF01 Gaulish Infantry  and MAF02 Gaulish Cavalry
Now those are great figures! A variety of poses, archers as well as spears and command, -- so with a few of those packs you will be set for an entire army --, and very nice little sculpts. Love them!

 MA13 Hun Cavalry -- I thought at first those were bent lances, so in this case I unbent some of them, till it struck me: no, those are lassos! So what you see here is not what comes in the packs, which will look more like the strip in the 2nd row to the right. I don't find them terribly useful -- had really rather hoped for some mounted archers (at least they all carry bows at their side), will have to look in some other lines for those.

MA11 Dacian Infantry -- like the Gauls a nice mix of figures.
MA23 Sarmatian Heavy Cavalry -- not that I'm gonna do anything with them, I was just curious..

That's it for now with the unpainted Heroics & Ros, we'll see what i'll de-procrastinate next...

Heroics & Ros 6mm Catalogue - Pt.2

More tiny metal men from H&R, this time from the Medieval range, mostly for my "Lion Rampant in 6mm" project
As always straight from the bag, no de-flashing involved.

 MCR 02 Frankish Infantry, nice variety of sculpts with crossbows and spears.

 MCR03 Frankish Cavalry 13th Century -- I believe the only pre 15th century mounted knights.
MCR14 Sergents Kettle Helmets 13th Century -- three poses + command

 MCR13 Frankish Knights Dismounted 13th Century -- pot helmets and three poses + command
MCR20 Sergents at Arms Mounted -- one pose, all with the klutzy mace, not great

MCR15 Crossbows Kettle Helmets 13th Century -- two poses + command
MCR17 Sergents Dismounted Kettle Helmets, 13th Century -- two poses + command

As you can see, some of those had quite a bit of flash, but with H&R's soft pewter that's generally very easy to get rid of.

Heroics & Ros 6mm Catalogue

Hello World.

I'm starting this blog with a service for the small-scale wargamer.
If you ever looked for images depicting the offerings of UK based manufacturer Heroics & Ros, you know that, apart from a gallery with a selection of  painted and based figures, H&R won't provide much pictorial guidance.
You'll have more success with the blogosphere -- I'm sure you're aware of those sites:
What follows are a few of my photos to add to the above. All straight from the bag, no cleaning, no straightening of spears etc.
 I realise, I should have added a measuring device for reference, as is, you'll have to take my word for them being "true 6mm", that is 6mm from sole to eyelines of the foot troops. They're also more slender figures, with smaller heads than their competitors from Bacchus or Rapier. I don't have comparisons in the lead, as I've only just ordered a first batch from Rapier, but from posted comparison pictures on the net it's obvious that they won't fit terribly well with those other lines.

Let's begin with some Seven Years War figures I've ordered mostly for Honours of War.
MSY1  Prussian Musketeers Marching and MSY5 Austrian Musketeers

 MSY4 Prussian Artillery and MSY9 Austrian Artillery

 MSY8 Austrian Croat Grenzer and MSY17 Prussian Jäger

MSY25 Austrian Cuirassiers Charging and MSY26 Austrian Hussars